
How to Find the Balance between Legalism and Licentiousness

This lesson helps you avoid legalism and licentiousness in your Christian life and to find the Godly balance between these extreme positions. Live to honor God!

2021-09-25T11:32:25-05:00By |Categories: The Christian Living|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Find the Balance between Legalism and Licentiousness

MSEP03 – Work Out Your Own Salvation?

Misapplied Series Episode 03 - False gospels make many people believe they are saved when they aren't. The believers of works-based gospels get many things wrong in the Bible (one of which is addressed in this article). This is because their faith is built on the wrong foundation - works. We must clearly differentiate between the requirement for salvation and the Christians walk. That's the purpose of this article.

2021-04-02T00:55:26-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: , |2 Comments

Faith and Works for Salvation? Galatians 2 Vs. James 2

When you speak of salvation being by faith alone, some people who do not believe it will bring up James 2 as a counter-argument. According to them, James teaches that salvation has to be by faith plus works. But is that what it's saying? Absolutely not! The purpose of this article is to address this common confusion. We must read the Bible in context! Salvation is by faith alone without the deeds of the Law. The Bible is clear about this.

2021-04-02T01:03:44-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , |2 Comments

Salvation is Through Faith Alone

Many people in the world today think they don't need Christ. Others have professed faith in Him. But they also trust in their works in order to 'maintain' or to 'keep' their salvation. Almost all of these people believe they would lose their salvation if they fail to do those things. The purpose of this study is to show such people that good works are good but they aren't meant to get or keep you saved. Our salvation has nothing to with our works.

2021-04-02T01:14:16-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Salvation is Through Faith Alone
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