
Who is the Holy Spirit?

A good knowledge of the purpose and ministries of the Holy Spirit will help you as a believer to know who you're and what you have in Christ. The more you know about the Holy Spirit the better Christians you will be. Unfortunately, many believers are ignorant of the real identity and ministries of the Holy Spirit. This article outlines three of the many ministries of the Holy Spirit in order to present His identity. I hope this is a blessing to you!

2021-04-02T00:57:19-05:00By |Categories: The Holy Spirit|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Who is the Holy Spirit?

A Note on the Resurrection of Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the major factor that validates everything for which Christianity stands. It is an undeniable proof of the truth of all that happened before and after the death of Christ. It is also the basis of our belief in the things which are written but yet to happen. The resurrection validates the Christian faith. As believer, how will the knowledge of who you are and what you have in Christ affect how you live your life today?

2021-04-02T01:09:29-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: |Comments Off on A Note on the Resurrection of Christ
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