
The Gospel is Simple

Although the way of salvation is not confusing, many have complicated it for themselves today. The message of the gospel is simple in the Bible, it’s all about what Christ did FOR US and how we are to respond to it. This article is designed to show you the plain message of the gospel. It is also a very useful guide for anyone who wants to share the gospel with others. There is no need to complicate what Christ has already simplified.

2021-04-02T01:15:09-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Gospel is Simple

The Imputed Righteousness

Many believers are trying everyday to make themselves righteous before God. Just like the Jews of Paul's day, they go about establishing their own righteousness and have yet to submit to the righteousness of God. Doing good is good, but no amount of good can earn you the perfect righteousness required by God. This is why you need to be aware of the righteousness of Christ and submit to it. This lesson will show how to receive it.

2021-06-12T16:37:05-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |1 Comment
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