
The Words of Prophecy for the Year 2019

2019 is another year and opportunity for you to glorify God with your life and in all you do. Don't do anything in 2019 until you've read this article. This is a special message for all the people of the world, either saved or unsaved! If you're alive today, you belong to one of these two groups. I first addressed the unsaved group after which I addressed the believers, those who are saved, and sure about their salvation.

2021-04-02T01:04:26-05:00By |Categories: Salvation, The Christian Living|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Words of Prophecy for the Year 2019

The Gospel is Simple

Although the way of salvation is not confusing, many have complicated it for themselves today. The message of the gospel is simple in the Bible, it’s all about what Christ did FOR US and how we are to respond to it. This article is designed to show you the plain message of the gospel. It is also a very useful guide for anyone who wants to share the gospel with others. There is no need to complicate what Christ has already simplified.

2021-04-02T01:15:09-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Gospel is Simple

Salvation is Through Faith Alone

Many people in the world today think they don't need Christ. Others have professed faith in Him. But they also trust in their works in order to 'maintain' or to 'keep' their salvation. Almost all of these people believe they would lose their salvation if they fail to do those things. The purpose of this study is to show such people that good works are good but they aren't meant to get or keep you saved. Our salvation has nothing to with our works.

2021-04-02T01:14:16-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Salvation is Through Faith Alone
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