My testimony of salvation is like that of the man who was born blind. But Christ opened his eyes and he was able to see clearly. By reading this, may you also see your need for Christ if you are yet to receive Him!
In This Article:
- Introduction
- My Life Before I Trusted in Christ
- How God Found Me
- The Changes Effected by My Salvation
My name is Williams Oluwagbemi, the young man whom Jesus loves and the faithful witness for Christ. People who know me simply call me Brother Williams. Today I want to briefly talk about myself. I want to share my testimony of salvation.
I usually don’t like to make things about me on Grace Tidings. Because it is a platform for the sole purpose of witnessing about Jesus Christ, and pointing the people to Him.
But I have found it necessary to share my story with those who read my articles or watch my videos. It is good for my readers to realize that I’ve had the same experience of the salvation that I talk about, and how it happened.
So, I will take you through the journey of my life from being dead in sins to now being alive forever in Christ. This is the testimony that I will continue to share for as long as I live. My greatest life goal now is to use my story to draw people to Christ and encourage those who are already in Him.
My personal mission statement is: Knowing Christ and making Him known through evangelism, discipleship, and good Christian testimony. So, help me God!
Once I Was Blind, But Now I Can See
My story is similar to that of the man who was born blind, but had his eyes opened by Jesus Christ. The Pharisees of course did not like it. Rather than praising God for the life of this man, they accused Jesus of sinning and breaking the Sabbath. The young man responded:
“Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” – John 9:25 (KJV).
This is my story! I was born blind. Dead in sin. But the gospel has opened my eyes. And now I’m alive and I can see clearly. This is why I will live to share this good news to whoever will listen.
Romans 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
This is my story! I was born blind. Dead in sin. But the gospel has opened my eyes. And now I’m alive and I can see clearly. This is why I will live to share this good news to whoever will listen.
My Life Before I Trusted in Christ
A Life of Religion
I was born and raised in a religious home. For those who aren’t familiar with me, that would in Nigeria, West Africa. We attended Church at least every Sunday. You had to be ill to not go to Church on Sunday morning. I grew up with the commitment not only to regularly attend Church, but also to be actively involved.
I learned a lot about these so-called Churches and their traditions. All that I did was based on the assumption that I was serving God, because that was what I was told. But what I didn’t know was the God whom I claimed to serve. I thought I knew Him, but I later found out that I did not.
The Religion in Ignorance
I never truly understood the concept of sins and being dead therein. I was never taught the Way to salvation, neither did I realize my need for Jesus Christ. I was doing my best to please God with my performance.
But in all these, I was still hoping and praying that God would count me worthy for heaven when I die. The same prayer that many still pray today rather than just trusting in Christ.
In those days, I thought the more I did and gave to God, the better my chances of making heaven. I was misled by the false teachers that I followed. I jumped, ran, screamed, and did many rituals in the name of religion.
I expended time, talent, and treasures. I did all these so that I could earn something that God had freely given to those who believe. Little did I know that I was being deceived and following lies.
No Finger Pointing
It will be unwise for me to blame false teachers or anyone for my ignorance. I had a Bible. I’ve always had one. But I failed to study it. That was the real reason for my ignorance. Had I paid attention to the Scriptures, my story would have been different.
Therefore, as you read my testimony, I want you to realize how important it is to ensure that every doctrine that you believe conforms with the Scripture. Which means you must know the Scriptures.
How God Found Me – My Testimony of Salvation
Our God is truly a merciful God. Even as I wrote this text, I thought about how God was being patient with me in that ignorance. The longsuffering of God is truly amazing (2 Peter 3:9)! At the appointed time, God found me. He delivered me from the deception of false beliefs and the commandments of men.
While I was practicing my religion, I did not cease to get the feeling that something wasn’t right. Something was missing. But I did not know what it was.
God used the uncertainty to trigger something good. The desire to know more about God started to grow in me. And because there is no better way to know Him than through His Words, I decided to spend some time to study by Bible.
In January 2016, we started Sunday evening family fellowship at home. We would pray and discuss the Word of God. Now we just call it Family Fellowship Time.
The Small Group Discussion
Having seen the result of our home fellowship, by July of 2016, I encouraged my small group at the Church to do the same once a week. We gathered weekly for prayer and Bible discussion using the Church’s Search the Scripture booklet as a guide. The choice of the booklet was a poor one as we would later find out that it was fallible.
The fellowship and discussion times made me more curious about various topics, because I needed to have something to share with my family and with the group.
As the small group discussion continued, we came across the End Time topic in our study guide. I was excited about the topic. Unfortunately, it was taught wrong in the book. As a result of the errors, the book became useless for us. And we started using the Bible – what we should have done in the first place.
As we continued in the small group discussion, I was discovering new things in the Bible. These discoveries triggered some doubts in me regarding some of the things that I believed and followed. The more I searched the scriptures, the more conflicts I experienced within me.
The conflicts were a result of the differences between what I heard in the Church and what the Bible actually says. But I wasn’t sure who was wrong between my then teachers and myself.
The Moment of My Deliverance
Something happened in November of 2016. While I was researching the End Time topic online. I discovered the message of salvation, the true and biblical one. It was a YouTube video titled How to Know You Are Saved. The video was produced by a man called Robert Breaker, of the Cloud Church.
He preached the gospel of salvation to me in a way that nobody has ever done before. Or at least in a way in which I’ve never understood it before.
I have spent many years being actively involved in the Church. I have listened to many pastors and general overseers preach. But I have never had any experience like the one that I had when I was listening to the message.
In the video, the man covered many good points. Including what Jesus Christ did on the cross, why He did it, and what I needed to do in response to His completed works. He talked about how Christ died for my sins and rose again the third day. And that if I repent from my sins and trust in what Christ did on my behalf, I would be saved.
He shared many Scripture verses, including 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. He emphasized the need to trust in the blood of Jesus. And the fact that salvation is by grace alone through faith in the completed work of Christ.
I have posted this video on my Blog in the past, I suggest that you take a quick look at it here or on Robert Breaker’s YouTube Channel.
I Believe the Gospel with All My Heart
I have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is the worst problem of man. I have always had some idea of this problem. But I was seeking solution for it in the wrong way. No religious activity or commitment can wash away sins, or remove its penalty.
Watching the video and listening to the man made me realize how lost I was. I discovered how little I knew about the gospel of salvation, and how I thought everything was cool because I was regular and active in the Church.
So, on that day, I cried to God. I repented from my sins, and trusted in Christ’s completed works for my salvation. I believed the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) with all my heart. I put ALL my trust in the blood (of Christ) that was shed for me. And I received the free gift of eternal life which Christ promised all who believe in Him.
I have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is the worst problem of man. I have always had some idea of this problem. But I was seeking solution for it in the wrong way. No religious activity or commitment can wash away sins, or remove its penalty.
I Will Glory only in Christ Alone
I understand that none of the above is by my doing. It is simply a gift from God. No one comes to Christ on his own if God has not drawn him/her (John 6:44). I will always be grateful to God for the grace (Titus 2:11) that brought me to the knowledge of the truth!
Today I live with the assurance of my salvation and the guarantee that I will be with Christ for all eternity. It is not based on my performance or anything that I have done or can still do. It is based wholly on the completed work of Christ.
Therefore, I will live to honor and worship God for the rest of my life. I will show forth the praises of Him who hath called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. To Him be glory, honor, and power!
The Changes that Began in My Life
From the moment that I genuinely received Christ, a lot started changing in my life. That was when I understood what the Bible means when it says:
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
1. The Desire for Knowledge
I immediately developed the urge for the study of the Word of God, the Bible. This was because I recognized how little I knew about the Bible and the God who I claimed to serve. I began my Bible studies in the Book of Acts. It was an eye-opening experience for me.
I started to pile up Bible topics and subjects that I’d love to explore. My list of memory verses as well as Bible questions began to grow as I studied. I also began to learn about the effective way to present to others the same Gospel that I believed.
2. The Change of Heart
I started to notice changes in my words, thoughts, habits, and even in my relationship with my family. Listening to more good sermons also helped me to see my need for the filling and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Even now I have discovered that the closer I get to Jesus, the more shortcomings I notice in my life. This is not because I commit more sins, but because I now see myself in the light of the holiness of God.
3. A Time to Leave
As the above changes were taking place, a big step needed to be taken. I began to struggle with many of the things that I used to believe and practice. I discovered that many of them did not come from or conform with the Bible. Those that seemed to have come from the Bible were based upon wrong interpretations.
So, I started asking questions in my then church. But no one was able to help me. I found out that the people, including the leaders, did what they did (and still do today) simply because the Church founder said so. I realized therefore that I needed to look for a place where I could grow in the knowledge of the truth and not in the traditions of men.
In February of 2017, I found a gospel-focused Church, Ravenswood Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois, where the Word of God is lifted high and Christ is exalted above all. My family jumped in as quickly as we could. That decision to change Church was one of the most important decisions that I have ever made in my life. My family and I experience tremendous growth in our 4 years of being a part of the Church.
Today we are among the newest members of Woodridge Baptist Church in Woodridge, Illinois. Another gospel-focused, Bible-driven, and Christ-centered Church. My family changed Church recently due to relocation. (If you visit Illinois anytime soon, stop by any of these Churches on Sunday morning and/or Wednesday evening, you will be glad you did so.)
Don’t Get Stuck in a False Church
Many people have seen a lot of things wrong with their Church, especially doctrinally. They see the need to get out, but they cannot.
This is due in part to fear and greed. Fear because many of these so-called Church leaders can really scare you to death if you ever consider leaving. And greed because some have found it difficult to let go of the earthly gains resulting from there.
But I hope my testimony is an encouragement to you. Do not fear them which can only kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. Also, only the blessings of God can enrich you without adding sorrows to it.
My Greatest Burden Today
There are multitudes today who are yet to be saved. And there are others who claim to be saved but are self-deceived. This is what inspires what I do here on Grace Tidings. My prayer is that God will let the light of the gospel shine on the hearts and minds of those who are yet to receive it.
There are multitudes today who are yet to be saved.
My Commitment
My goal is to point people to Christ (and not to myself) by the sharing of the Word of God. I want to be obedient to the call to share the gospel while the Holy Spirit does His work of bringing the people to Christ. So, if you’re saved and are sure about it, please preach the gospel. Join the team!
We are all called to do so. Let us join hands in this Kingdom agenda. I hope the passages below will encourage you.
Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
2 Timothy 1:8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Are You Saved and Know It?
You can be saved and be 100% sure that you will go to heaven when you die.
The above is the summarized version of a long story. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any follow up question or need clarifications on any of the above contents.
Thank you for reading!
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Thank you brother. Your labor of Love sharing the Truth of God’s word is a delight and welcomed to my life as a christian sister of yours. God’s blessing upon you and your family’s lives.
Thanks Judy! I appreciate your encouragement.
Thank you for your testimony. I came across your blog while searching for more understanding in regards to Roman 8:26. Thank you for breaking it down as I experienced it and wanted a deeper insights to it. God bless you.
Thanks for your comment Purelily! It is indeed encouraging.