
The Gospel of Salvation is the message of grace that leads to repentance and forgiveness of sin (justification). The Bible says faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Before a person can be saved, he needs to first hear, understand, and believe the gospel. That is why the Bible refers to it as the power of God unto salvation. This makes the gospel the most important of all messages.

This Category contains lessons related to the gospel of salvation, and what the Bible says about how to be saved. You will also learn how to have authentic the experience of salvation and the Christian living.

The One Reason Why Christ Came

It is crucial that you understand why Christ was born, all that He did and why, and how you must to respond to His works. This is the prerequisite for getting to God. No one can get to the Father but by Christ (John 14:6).

2021-04-02T00:39:49-05:00By |Categories: Jesus Christ, Salvation|Tags: |Comments Off on The One Reason Why Christ Came

Why Jesus Christ is the Only Way

The message of the cross may not be popular in the world, but that is the only solution to the problem of sin against God. Christ fully paid the price, and it was accepted by God. Outside of Christ, there is other way to God.

2021-04-02T00:40:30-05:00By |Categories: Jesus Christ, Salvation|Tags: , |Comments Off on Why Jesus Christ is the Only Way

Can We Determine Who is Saved or Not?

This discussion is not about judging other peoples' salvation. It is a crucial discussion to have with people especially now that many things have become very superficial, including the profession of faith.

2021-04-02T00:47:36-05:00By |Categories: Salvation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Can We Determine Who is Saved or Not?
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