Misapplied! Series

MISAPPLIED!’ is a series of articles and videos in which I rightly divide many Bible verses, passages, and statements that have been misinterpreted and misapplied over the years. These verses or passages are constantly misused by many people, both saved and unsaved.

The materials in this section address the verses or passages in the Bible that have been taken out of context and wrongly applied. For more on Misapplied, please take a look at Introducing Misapplied Series on Grace Tidings.

Check out this page regularly for new eye-opening materials.

MSEP05: And All These Things Shall be Added

Misapplied Series Episode 05 - The prosperity gospel preachers claim that Matthew 6:33 says if you become a Christian, God will give you all that you want in this life. Is this true? This study puts that claim to test.

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MSEP04 – Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered

Misapplied Series Episode 04 - The eighth Chapter of Romans presents the amazing truth and blessings of our salvation. But the wrong interpretation of this text has made many believers miss its true message. The problem with this is that misinterpreting a Bible passage leads to misapplying it into your life. This article addresses this problem and calls the believer's attention to what the Chapter really means by what it says.

2021-04-02T00:58:48-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: , |2 Comments

MSEP03 – Work Out Your Own Salvation?

Misapplied Series Episode 03 - False gospels make many people believe they are saved when they aren't. The believers of works-based gospels get many things wrong in the Bible (one of which is addressed in this article). This is because their faith is built on the wrong foundation - works. We must clearly differentiate between the requirement for salvation and the Christians walk. That's the purpose of this article.

2021-04-02T00:55:26-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: , |2 Comments

MSEP02 – Will God Punish the Believers for their Ancestors’ Sins?

Misapplied Series Episode 02 - How can we biblically describe the New Testament Christians? Cursed or Justified? There is a growing belief now that God will punish the believers for the sins and curses of their forefathers. This belief (and teaching) came from Exodus 20:5. The purpose of this article is to check this claim to see if it lines up with the Scriptures, and to offer some encouragement to the true Christians.

2021-04-12T15:34:30-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: |Comments Off on MSEP02 – Will God Punish the Believers for their Ancestors’ Sins?

MSEP01 – What is the Blessing of Abraham?

Misapplied Series Episode 01 - The blessing of Abraham is one of the most twisted Bible doctrines among many Church leaders and Christians of our days. A lot of people think Christianity is all about accumulating the things of the world. To them, you're not blessed by God if you're not physically wealthy. This wrong mentality has led many people into errors.

2021-04-29T21:08:47-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: |Comments Off on MSEP01 – What is the Blessing of Abraham?

Introducing Misapplied Series

Over the years, there has been many Bible statements, verses, and passages that have been misinterpreted, they are either partially or completely taken out of context. If you wrongly interpret or take a text in the Bible out of its original context, you will surely misapply it to your life. 'MISAPPLIED!’ is a series of articles and videos in which I rightly divide those Bible verses. If you love Bible study, you will love Misapplied! Series...

2021-04-02T01:08:44-05:00By |Categories: Misapplied! Series|Tags: |Comments Off on Introducing Misapplied Series
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